Wednesday | September 28, 2016

Exciting Update!!!

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long time since my last blog post… but The Pink Daily has been working on a large project and has some exciting news in it’s future!! I’ll give you all a hint for now… Stay tuned for more!!














Wednesday | February 3, 2016

Final Cleanse Day

I made it!! Today is day 7 of my cleanse and I am finishing it out strong!! Shake for breakfast, artichoke millet risotto for lunch and some curried butternut squash soup for dinner!

Although I don’t always enjoy the process, I do really like to do a weeklong cleanse once a year to give my body a rest! Your body is constantly working to rid itself of toxins that we put into it. You may not even know something is toxic or inflamatory until you take it away! Unless you are a super healthy eater year-round, I think it’s good for everyone to clean their systems out and hit reset, so to speak!

If you are going to embark on a cleanse, my advice is to stay busy! If you have that closet that needs to be cleaned out, or rooms that need to be reorganized, this is the week to do it!!  Also, try to save your cleanse for a week when you don’t have many social obligations. It is really hard to stick to your cleanse plan if you are out to dinner with friends! Lastly, there is always shopping to take your mind off your cleanse!!! :)

If you have time, read the Clean book before you cleanse. It’s a quick read and really explains well what is means to eat clean and to do a cleanse properly!

Wednesday | February 3, 2016

Cleanse Day 5 AND 6

I am almost finished with this cleanse. Tomorrow is my last day and I will say that I do feel “cleaner”! I definitely do not feel as sluggish as I did a week ago. My skin looks and feels good! I have been sticking to smoothies, green juice, and soups… all made from the elimination food list in the Clean book, by Alejandro Junger, M.D.

Snack are supposed to be used sparingly if you are absolutely starving. I was pretty sure, on multiple occasions this week that the rumbling in my tummy was hunger, but I did follow the book’s directions to try drinking water and using distraction to see if it was true hunger! Alas, it was REAL!! I kept almonds, dried apple, dried mango and (clean) energy bites from Whole Foods on hand to satisfy the rumbling!!!


Last night I had the zucchini mushroom soup, which can be found on Page 254. It was good, but next time I will be using half the amount of mushrooms that the recipe calls for. It was a little chunky!


