Yesterday I prepped meals for the next few days! I still have two full days of the Clean Program packet, that I didn’t finish from my last cleanse. So my plan is to finish that off and then complete my seven day cleanse on my own, from the book!

I had a shake for breakfast made with the clean program protein packet, frozen mango, frozen pineapple, and coconut milk. I also wanted to mention that I got a Vitamix recently and my shake this morning was 100% better than when I did this cleanse last year. There were no chunks, or gritty residue like there have been in the past with my old blender! My shake was actually really yummy!! I also had my clean supplement packet and probiotic…

I made two meals that should last a few days! One, which I also had for lunch today, was an Artichoke Millet Risotto. It is delicious and I will be having this as my “solid” meal for the next few days!! Along with my supplements, of course!
The second meal, Curried Butternut Squash Soup, will serve as my “liquid” dinner for a few days! I made this in my slow cooker and then used my emulsion blender. I followed the recipe below! One pot, so easy!!! And more supplements…
Curried Butternut Squash Soup~ Cut up two medium butternut squash. Combine in slow cooker with one small onion, minced ginger, 1-2 cups of coconut milk, 1 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and fresh pepper. Add vegetable stock until ingredients are almost covered. (Add more stock if you want a thinner soup, and adjust seasoning to your taste.) Cook on low for 6 hours and then use emulsion blender to blend into a soup consistency. (You can also blend in batches in a blender.)
I felt good today. A little tired, but that could be from my three year old getting up twice last night…. I also had a bit of a headache, which could be coffee withdrawal!!! On to day 2!!